LCSW vs. LMHC: Similarities and Differences

A career in mental health helps you impact people’s lives positively, but choosing what role to pursue comes with a number of considerations. Two common roles in this field are licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and licensed mental health counselor (LMHC). 

Through both positions, you can impact individuals and communities meaningfully. However, the roles differ in aspects such as education, scope of practice, and career opportunities. One common feature is that both professions require state licensure, with license requirements differing by state. 

Individuals considering a role in mental health and social work should comprehensively compare the LCSW vs. LMHC roles, focusing on their definitions, similarities, and differences. 

LCSW vs. LMHC: Definitions, Similarities, and Differences

What Is an LCSW?

A licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) is a professional trained to provide services such as psychotherapy, counseling, and social services. LCSWs often work in hospitals, private practices, and social service agencies. They are equipped to handle various issues, from mental health disorders to social problems like poverty and discrimination. To become an LCSW, you’ll typically need a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from an accredited institution, followed by state licensure, which usually involves supervised clinical experience and passing a licensure exam.

What Is an LMHC?

A licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) specializes in checking, diagnosing, and treating emotional and mental disorders. LMHCs often work in settings similar to LCSWs, such as private practices, hospitals, and mental health clinics. However, they focus more on psychotherapy and counseling services than the broader social work roles that LCSWs may engage in. To become an LMHC, you’ll need a master’s degree in counseling. If you have a degree in a related field, you can still join a master’s in counseling program. Supervised experience is also required. Upon completion, you are required to sit for a licensure exam specific to the state of practice.  

Key Similarities

One of the similarities when you compare LCSW vs. LMHC is the scope of work. In both, you are trained to diagnose and treat mental health disorders. Both LCSWs and LMHCs engage in one-on-one counseling and group therapy sessions.

The other similarity is that both professions offer a variety of work settings in which you can practice. They include hospitals, private practices, and mental health clinics. You have an opportunity to choose the location that best serves your interests. 

One main gateway to practice for both careers is licensure. Both professions require licensure from the state of practice, with a combination of supervised clinical experience and educational qualifications.

Key Differences

There are several differences between the LCSW vs. LMHC roles and requirements. LCSWs have a Master of Social Work, while LMHCs have a master’s degree in counseling or a related field. An LCSW program gives you a foundation in a broad scope of social services, such as case management and advocacy, which is generally outside the focus of LMHCs. 

Program accreditation is also different. LCSW programs are usually accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), and LMHC programs are often accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). 

The treatment approach is also different: While both can offer psychotherapy, LCSWs often employ a more holistic approach that considers social and environmental factors. LMHCs may focus more on specific therapeutic techniques. 

LMHC vs. LCSW Pros and Cons

Choosing between becoming an LCSW or an LMHC involves weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each profession. Both roles offer rewarding experiences and challenges that can positively impact your job satisfaction and career trajectory. Below, we review LMHC vs. LCSW pros and cons to guide your career decision-making.

Advantages of Becoming an LMHC

If you are wondering how to become a counselor and have a background in psychology or a related field, pursuing an LMHC may be a good choice. 

Job Flexibility

  • LMHCs often have the flexibility to specialize in various areas such as substance abuse, marriage counseling, or child and adolescent mental health.

Focus on Counseling

  • If you are particularly interested in psychotherapy and counseling, an LMHC role allows you to concentrate on these aspects without the additional social work responsibilities that LCSWs may have.

Easier Transition from Related Fields

  • If you already have a background in psychology or a related field, transitioning into an LMHC role may be more straightforward than moving into social work.

Disadvantages of Becoming an LMHC

Some of the differences between the LMHC and LCSW roles may be unappealing to certain individuals.

Limited Scope in Social Services

  • For those looking for a career as a social worker, you will have a limited scope in an LMHC role. LCSWs offer a broad range of social services, such as case management and advocacy, compared to LMHCs.

Insurance Limitations

  • In some states, insurance reimbursement for services provided by LMHCs may be less comprehensive compared to LCSWs, affecting income potential.

State-by-State Licensure

  • LMHC licensure requirements can vary significantly from state to state, making it potentially challenging to move your practice across state lines.

Advantages of Becoming an LCSW

Holistic Approach

  • LCSWs are trained to consider the social and environmental factors affecting a client’s well-being, offering a more holistic approach to mental health care.

Broader Range of Services

  • In addition to mental health care, LCSWs can provide a variety of social services, including case management, crisis intervention, and advocacy.

More Insurance Options

  • LCSWs often have more options for insurance reimbursements, which can lead to a more stable income.

Disadvantages of Becoming an LCSW

Additional Responsibilities

  • The broader scope of services means LCSWs often have additional administrative and case management responsibilities, which may not appeal to everyone.

Longer Supervised Experience Requirements

  • Some states require LCSWs to complete more hours of supervised experience compared to LMHCs, extending the time it takes to become fully licensed.

Complexity in Client Cases

  • The holistic approach of LCSWs often involves dealing with complex social issues in addition to mental health, which can be emotionally taxing.

LMHC vs. LCSW Salary and Job Outlook

Both LCSWs and LMHCs offer competitive salaries and promising job outlooks, and understanding both is essential in making career choices.

LMHC Salary

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for mental health counselors is approximately $49,710 as of 2022. The salary range varies depending on factors such as geographic location, level of experience, and the setting in which you work. For example, LMHCs in hospitals may have the potential for higher earnings compared to those employed in outpatient settings. The ten-year job growth projection for LMHCs is estimated at 18%, indicating a robust demand for these professionals between 2022 and 2032.

LCSW Salary

Social workers have a median annual salary of around $55,350, according to 2022 data from the BLS. Like LMHCs, LCSWs can expect salary variations based on location, experience, and work setting. LCSWs have additional avenues for income through social services, case management, and advocacy roles. Career opportunities in this field are set to grow 7% between 2022 and 2032, faster than the average for all U.S. occupations combined.

LMHC Job Outlook

The demand for mental health services has been steadily increasing, making the job outlook for LMHCs quite promising. The estimated 18% job growth over the next ten years suggests that opportunities in various settings, from private practices to hospitals and community health centers, will continue to expand. This growth is partly driven by a greater societal understanding and acceptance of mental health issues, leading to more people seeking help.

LCSW Job Outlook

While the job growth projection for LCSWs is lower than for LMHCs, the field is still growing. The 7% projected growth over the next decade indicates a steady demand for social work professionals, especially those with clinical training. LCSWs are employed in mental health settings and have opportunities in schools, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, making the field diverse and relatively resilient to economic fluctuations.

LCSW vs. LMHC Education and Curriculum

Choosing between an LCSW and an LMHC career path also involves understanding the educational requirements for each. Both professions require a master’s degree and state licensure, but the curricula and focus areas differ.

What Degree Do I Need to Become an LCSW?

To become a licensed clinical social worker, you’ll need a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from an accredited institution.

LCSW Curriculum

  • Core Courses: Social welfare policy, human behavior, research methods
  • Clinical Courses: Clinical social work practice, psychopathology, advanced clinical assessment
  • Electives: Substance abuse counseling, child welfare, gerontology
  • Fieldwork: Supervised clinical experience, often requiring around 900 hours

What Degree Do I Need to Become an LMHC?

To start a career as a licensed mental health counselor, a master’s degree in counseling or a closely related field is required.

LMHC Curriculum

  • Core Courses: Counseling theories, ethics in counseling, multicultural counseling
  • Clinical Courses: Assessment and diagnosis, psychotherapy techniques, crisis intervention
  • Electives: Marriage and family counseling, addiction counseling, career development
  • Fieldwork: Supervised clinical experience, usually around 700 hours

Whether you’re interested in a more holistic approach to mental health or want to focus solely on an online master’s degree in counseling, the educational paths for both professions offer specialized training to prepare you for the role.

LMHC vs. LCSW Accreditation

Accreditation ensures that educational programs meet specific quality standards, which is crucial for your future licensure and career. LCSW and LMHC programs have their accrediting bodies, and attending an accredited program is often a prerequisite for state licensure.

LMHC Program Accreditation

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredits the LMHC programs. Accreditation ensures that the program meets the educational quality standards the counseling profession sets. Graduating from a CACREP-accredited counseling online program can make licensure in many states easier.

LCSW Program Accreditation

The LCSW programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), which validates that the social work program meets the educational and professional standards required for social work licensure and practice.

Accreditation is crucial when choosing an educational program for either LCSW or LMHC careers. Therefore, always ensure that the program you choose is accredited by the relevant body to avoid future complications in your career path.

Licensure for LCSW and LMHC

Obtaining a license is critical in practicing as either an LCSW or an LMHC. While both professions require licensure, the processes and requirements differ.

LCSW Licensure

Steps to Licensure

  1. Educational Requirements: Complete a Master of Social Work (MSW) from a CSWE-accredited program.
  2. Supervised Experience: Accumulate a certain number of supervised clinical hours, usually around 3,000, depending on the state.
  3. Examination: Pass the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Clinical Level Exam.
  4. State Requirements: Fulfill any additional state-specific requirements, such as background checks or additional exams.


  • Renewal: LCSW licenses typically need to be renewed every two years, often requiring continuing education credits.
  • Reciprocity: Some states have reciprocity agreements, making transferring your license to another state easier. 

LMHC Licensure

Steps to Licensure

  • Educational Requirements: Earn a master’s degree in counseling or a related field from a CACREP-accredited program.
  • Supervised Experience: Complete around 2,000 to 4,000 hours of post-degree supervised clinical experience, depending on the state.
  • Examination: Pass the National Counselor Examination (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE).
  • State Requirements: Meet additional state-specific mandates, such as jurisprudence exams or background checks.


  • Renewal: Like LCSWs, LMHCs also need to renew their licenses, usually every two years, with continuing education requirements.
  • State-by-State Variability: LMHC licensure requirements can differ significantly between states, so it’s crucial to check the specific criteria for the state where you intend to practice.

Understanding the licensure process for LCSWs and LMHCs can help you plan your career path more effectively.

Career Options for LMHC and LCSW

Both LCSWs and LMHCs have a variety of career options available to them, ranging from clinical settings to educational and corporate environments. Here, we explore some of the common career paths for each.

LMHC Careers

  • Private Practice: Specialize in areas like marriage counseling, substance abuse, or child psychology.
  • Hospitals: Work in psychiatric units or general healthcare settings.
  • Educational Institutions: Serve as school counselors or academic advisors.
  • Corporate Sector: Work in human resources or as an organizational consultant.

LCSW Careers

  • Healthcare Settings: Work in hospitals, nursing homes, or palliative care.
  • Social Services: Engage in child welfare agencies, homeless shelters, or domestic violence centers.
  • Schools: Serve as a school social worker, helping students with academic and emotional needs.
  • Government Agencies: Work in public health, military services, or criminal justice.

Whether you are interested in clinical practice, social services, or educational settings, LCSW and LMHC professions offer various career opportunities.

Tips for Choosing Between an LCSW and an LMHC

Deciding between an LCSW and an LMHC career can be challenging, given each profession’s overlaps and unique aspects. Here are some tips to guide your decision-making process:

Assess Your Interests

  • Clinical Focus: Becoming an LMHC might be a better choice if you’re more interested in psychotherapy and counseling.
  • Holistic Approach: If you’re drawn to a broader scope that includes social work, advocacy, and case management, consider an LCSW career.

Consider Educational Commitment

Review the curriculum for each program to see which aligns more closely with your academic interests. You can also choose to complete an online MSW program. Ensure your chosen program is accredited by the relevant accrediting body, either CACREP for LMHC or CSWE for LCSW.

Evaluate Career Goals

Consider the job settings you prefer — clinical, educational, governmental, or social services. Take into account the salary ranges and job growth projections for each profession.

Seek Professional Guidance

Seek advice from professionals in each field and gain hands-on experience through internships or volunteer opportunities in both settings if possible.

Additional Resources

Compare LCSW vs. LMHC Paths for Career Success

Choosing between an LCSW and an LMHC career involves multiple considerations, from educational requirements to job prospects. Both professions offer rewarding opportunities to make a meaningful impact on individuals and communities. By understanding the key similarities and differences, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your personal and professional goals.

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