COAMFTE Accredited Online MFT Degree Programs

Are you interested in helping couples and families overcome challenges and improve their relationships with one another? If so, pursuing a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) may be the right path for you. Online MFT programs provide a valuable combination of convenience and quality education.

It’s crucial to select a program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). In this article, we will explore the benefits of COAMFTE accredited MFT programs and discuss what you can expect from an online MFT program.

“This article provides a comprehensive overview of what prospective Marriage and Family Therapists can expect when they pursue a COAMFTE Accredited Online MFT Degree Program,” states Megan Kelly, LMHC. “Pursuing your online MFT degree is a great way to begin your journey into working as a helping professional.”

What Is a COAMFTE Accredited MFT Program?

A COAMFTE accredited MFT program is a graduate-level program in Marriage and Family Therapy. This field focuses on helping individuals, couples, and families overcome emotional and relational issues. By enrolling in a COAMFTE accredited program, you’ll be on the path to becoming a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) or licensed professional counselor (LPC) specializing in family therapy.

COAMFTE accreditation ensures that MFT programs meet specific quality standards and educational requirements. It provides confidence that you will receive an education that aligns with the licensing requirements in your state and gives you a competitive edge in the job market. Clients seeking marriage and family therapy services may also prefer therapists who have graduated from accredited programs, as it instills trust in the therapist’s education and expertise.

COAMFTE Accredited MFT Program Benefits

Enrolling in a COAMFTE accredited MFT program offers a wealth of benefits that extend beyond a high-quality education. These include:

  • Confidence in Receiving an Education that Meets Industry Benchmarks: Earning your degree through a COAMFTE accredited MFT program ensures comprehensive training in line with the highest standards in the field.
  • In-Depth Training and Diverse Clinical Experience: These programs offer rigorous coursework and a range of clinical experiences, preparing students for varied therapy settings.
  • Alignment with State Licensing Requirements: Most graduates are well-prepared to meet state-specific licensure criteria for their education.
  • Competitive Edge in the Job Market: Accredited program graduates are often more sought after by prospective employers.
  • Trust of Clients Seeking Therapy Services: Graduating from a COAMFTE accredited MFT program can instill greater confidence in clients regarding the therapist’s qualifications and expertise.
  • Access to Networking and Professional Development: These programs provide opportunities to connect with professionals and access to resources for ongoing learning.
  • Preparation for Evidence-Based Practice: Students are encouraged to focus on the latest research-driven therapy methods.
  • Eligibility for Fellowships and Grants: These programs open doors to various funding opportunities specific to marriage and family therapy.
  • Alignment with National and Global Standards: Earning your degree through a COAMFTE accredited MFT program ensures your education is relevant and recognized both nationally and globally.
  • Increased Opportunities for Licensure Mobility: Attending an accredited program facilitates licensure across different states or countries, enhancing career flexibility.

By choosing a COAMFTE accredited program, students gain a solid foundation and a host of advantages for a successful career in marriage and family therapy.

COAMFTE Online MFT Program Prerequisites

Before applying to a COAMFTE-accredited online Master of Family Therapy program, prospective students must meet specific requirements. These prerequisites ensure that students are well-prepared for the rigorous academic and clinical training they will undergo. Here’s what applicants need to know:

Educational Background

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. While the degree does not necessarily need to be in psychology or counseling, courses in these areas are highly recommended, as they give you a solid foundation to build on in your graduate program.
  • Minimum GPA: Most programs require a minimum undergraduate GPA, typically around 3.0, to ensure academic preparedness for graduate-level work. Requirements will be program-specific, so make sure to check with the admissions team of your preferred program to make sure you meet their GPA requirements.


  • Psychology or Counseling Courses: It is beneficial for applicants to have completed undergraduate coursework in areas such as psychology, sociology, or counseling. Specific courses might include Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Statistics.
  • Foundational Courses: Some programs may require foundational courses in human development, research methods, and theories of personality prior to enrollment or during the first year of the program.

Work Experience

  • Relevant Experience: While not typically mandatory, relevant work or volunteer experience in counseling, social work, or a related field can enhance an application. Such experience demonstrates a commitment to and an understanding of the field of counseling.

Personal and Professional Qualities

  • Personal Statement: Applicants typically need to submit a personal statement that outlines their career objectives, their interest in marriage and family therapy, and how the program aligns with their professional goals.
  • Recommendation Letters: Letters of recommendation from academic or professional references can attest to the applicant’s potential as a graduate student and future therapist.

Technical Requirements

  • Technology Proficiency: As the program is online, applicants must demonstrate proficiency with digital communication tools and learning management systems. This may include online forums, video conference technology, and word processing software.
  • Equipment: Access to a computer with internet capability, a webcam, and a microphone is essential for participating in online courses and virtual clinical training.

Online MFT Program Overview

Online MFT programs provide the necessary tools and techniques to make a positive impact on clients’ lives. These programs are a popular choice for students who need flexibility in their schedules. Marriage and family therapy addresses complex issues within a couple or family system, such as challenges with infidelity, finances, communication, parenting, substance abuse, adjusting to transitions like divorce or job loss, and mental health disorders. With an online MFT program, you can gain the training required to effectively work with couples and families facing these challenges.

COAMFTE Accredited Online MFT Curriculum

Accredited online Master of Family Therapy (MFT) programs provide a rigorous and structured curriculum designed to prepare students for professional practice and licensure. These programs emphasize both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in family therapy, adhering to the standards set by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). Here’s a breakdown of what students can expect from the curriculum:

Core Coursework

The core coursework in COAMFTE-accredited online MFT programs covers a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Foundations of Relational/Systemic Practice, Theory, and Models: This course covers the various theoretical and model-based approaches to family and couples therapy.
  • Clinical Practice: Students learn about different therapy modalities, techniques, and interventions for treating and engaging families, couples, and individuals.
  • Human Development Across the Lifespan: This course examines human development from birth through end-of-life, with a focus on emotional, physical, and psychological changes and their impact on family dynamics.
  • Ethical and Professional Issues: Focused on the ethical considerations in clinical practice, this course teaches students about confidentiality, professional conduct, and legal issues pertaining to therapy.
  • Cultural and Social Diversity: Emphasizing inclusivity, this course explores the impact of cultural, social, economic, and gender diversity on therapeutic practices within couples and family systems.

Other Coursework

In addition to the core and specialized courses, MFT programs often include a variety of other courses that support a well-rounded educational experience. These courses enrich the therapist’s knowledge and skills in specific and supportive areas:

  • Advanced Family Dynamics: Explore complex family structures and dynamics to better understand and address familial issues.
  • Couple Therapy:  Learn the therapeutic approaches specific to working with couples, including communication techniques and conflict resolution.
  • Group Therapy: Understand the principles and practice of conducting therapy with various types of groups.
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Therapy with Minors: Explore the unique legal and ethical considerations involved in working with children and adolescents.
  • Psychopathology: Develop a deeper understanding of mental health disorders with a focus on diagnosis and treatment planning within a family system context.
  • Research Methods in MFT: Learn research methodologies appropriate for the study of families and therapeutic interventions.
  • Substance Abuse and the Family: Examine and understand the impact of substance abuse on families and therapeutic approaches to address these challenges.
  • Assessment and Treatment Planning: Learn skills for assessing client needs and designing effective treatment plans.

Specialized Electives

To tailor their education to specific areas of interest or emerging fields within therapy, students may choose from a variety of electives, such as:

  • Addiction Counseling
  • Child and Adolescent Therapy
  • Sex Therapy
  • Trauma and Crisis Intervention

Clinical Training

Clinical training is a cornerstone of MFT programs, consisting of:

  • Practicum: An introductory hands-on experience where students observe and begin to practice therapy under supervision.
  • Internship: A more intensive clinical experience requiring several hundred hours of direct client contact, during which students take on greater responsibility in providing therapy under close supervision.

Research and Capstone Projects

Students are typically required to complete a capstone project or participate in research initiatives to demonstrate their mastery of the field. These projects often involve original research or an extensive review of literature on a specific topic in family therapy.

Integration of Technology

Recognizing the growing role of technology in therapy, many programs include training in teletherapy, the use of digital tools for therapy, and online client management systems, preparing students for the increasing digitalization of health services.

Is an Online MFT Program Right for Me?

Before deciding if an online MFT program is a good fit, it’s important to determine if marriage and family therapy is the right career path for you. MFTs use various therapy techniques to help individuals, couples, and families improve their relationships and overall well-being. Consider your passion for this field, motivation, and the cost of the program compared to potential earnings in your desired position.

Online MFT programs can also serve as advanced training options for social workers. It’s essential to evaluate if the benefits and opportunities provided by an online MFT program align with your personal and professional goals.

Is an Online MFT Worth It?

Earning an online MFT degree can lead to a fulfilling career as a marriage and family therapist. As an MFT, you can provide psychotherapy services and counseling to individuals and couples in various settings. This field offers personal growth potential, in-demand job opportunities, flexibility, low stress, a sense of satisfaction, and a good salary potential.

“Pursuing your degree online is a fantastic way to pursue a career in the helping field while learning in a flexible manner,” says Kelly. “Getting an online MFT is also a great way to expand access to students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend a traditional in-person program.”


There is an important distinction between an online MFT and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) degree. While both professions address mental health concerns, MFTs focus on family systems and psychotherapy, whereas LCSWs offer treatment and counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues. LCSWs may also be more focused on addressing systemic issues that contribute to mental health concerns.


Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) professionals specialize in counseling families and individuals based on social and relationship-based problems. On the other hand, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors (LPCCs) provide treatment and counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues, and may focus more specifically on treating individuals rather than couples or families.

COAMFTE MFT Licensure Process

Navigating the licensure process as a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) begins with completing an educational program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). This accreditation ensures that the educational standards meet state and national licensure requirements. Here’s a guide to the licensure process that will apply to most aspiring Marriage and Family Therapists:

1. Educational Requirements

To qualify for MFT licensure, candidates must earn a Master’s degree from a COAMFTE-accredited program. These programs are designed to provide comprehensive training in therapeutic techniques, ethical practices, and specialized coursework relevant to family and relationship therapy.

2. Postgraduate Supervised Experience

After graduation, prospective MFTs are required to complete a period of supervised clinical experience. The specific requirements vary by state but generally include 2,000 to 4,000 hours of supervised practice. This experience typically must be completed under the guidance of a licensed MFT and often needs to be finished within a certain time frame after graduation.

3. Application for Licensure

The application process for MFT licensure includes submission of verified educational credentials and documentation of supervised clinical experience. Candidates must also complete any preliminary examinations required by their state’s licensing board, pay applicable fees, and submit all necessary forms fully completed.

4. Examination Requirements

Candidates must pass a nationally recognized examination, such as the Examination in Marital and Family Therapy, which assesses a candidate’s knowledge of therapeutic practices, ethical considerations, and other pertinent topics. Some states may also require passing an additional law and ethics exam specific to the state’s regulations.

5. Background Check and Fingerprinting

As part of the licensing process, candidates are required to undergo a background check and fingerprinting to ensure they meet all ethical and professional standards for practice. This step is crucial for protecting public safety and maintaining the integrity of the profession.

6. Continuing Education and Renewal

Once licensed, MFTs must engage in ongoing professional development to maintain their licensure. This includes completing a specified number of continuing education (CE) credits within each renewal period. The focus and quantity of these credits can vary by state but are essential for ensuring that therapists remain current with the latest practices and research in the field.

7. Moving Between States

If an MFT wishes to practice in a different state, they may need to meet additional requirements, which could include more exams, additional CE credits, or even specific coursework. It is important to check with the new state’s licensing board for detailed requirements.

What Can You Do With an Online MFT Program?

An online MFT program offers flexibility to prospective Marriage and Family Therapists. With evening, weekend and asynchronous class options, you can fit your education into your busy schedule. Additionally, you can continue working while pursuing your degree and gaining valuable on-the-job experience. 

The theoretical approaches and hands-on training provided by an online MFT program prepare you for a range of career opportunities, including working in schools, hospitals, addiction treatment centers, or even running your own private practice. 

“Additionally,” states Kelly, “a COAMFTE accredited online MFT program offers the same high-quality educational experience as an in-person MFT program, so students can rest assured that they’re receiving the best possible education.”

Online MFT Program Salary and Job Outlook

Marriage and family therapists (MFTs) have a promising salary and job outlook. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for MFTs was $58,510 as of May 2023. The top 10 percent of earners in this field made more than $104,710 annually, while the lowest 10 percent earned less than $39,090. MFTs working in state government roles had a median salary of approximately $86,030. It’s important to note that actual salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, additional degrees, and geographic location. 

The field is also experiencing rapid growth, with employment projected to increase by 15 percent from 2022 to 2032, significantly faster than the average for all occupations​​.

How Much Does an Online MFT Program Cost?

The cost of COAMFTE-accredited online MFT programs can vary widely. Tuition and fees typically range from $25,000 to $40,000, but factors such as the school, program, location, financial assistance, and individual needs can influence the total cost. It’s important to consider these factors and evaluate the return on investment for your chosen program.

Scholarships and Grants

Securing financial aid can significantly reduce the burden of tuition costs for students in COAMFTE-accredited online Master of Family Therapy programs. Here is an overview of the types of scholarships and grants typically available to MFT students, along with advice on how to apply:

Types of Financial Aid

  • Merit-Based Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded based on a student’s academic, artistic, or athletic achievements. Applicants may need to maintain a certain GPA or meet other performance criteria to be eligible.
  • Need-Based Grants: Grants are often based on the student’s financial need and do not require repayment. Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is typically necessary to qualify.
  • Specialized Scholarships: Many organizations offer scholarships for students pursuing careers in marriage and family therapy, especially those from underrepresented groups or those planning to serve in high-need areas.
  • Program-Specific Aid: Some MFT programs may offer their own scholarships and grants. It’s important for applicants to check directly with the program for available financial aid options.

Finding Scholarships and Grants

  • School Financial Aid Office: Students should start by contacting the financial aid office at the schools to which they are applying to learn about any institutional aid for which they might be eligible.
  • Professional Associations: Organizations such as the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) often offer scholarships or grants to students pursuing degrees in family therapy.
  • Scholarship Search Engines: Websites like Fastweb,, and the College Board can provide tailored lists of scholarships and grants based on the student’s field of study, interests, and background.

Application Tips

  • Start Early: Begin searching for scholarships and grants as early as possible. Many awards have early deadlines, and timely application can increase your chances of receiving financial aid.
  • Organize Applications: Keep track of deadlines, required materials, and submission guidelines. Staying organized can help ensure that no opportunities are missed.
  • Personalize Applications: Tailor each application to highlight how your goals, experiences, and qualifications align with the specific scholarship or grant criteria.

Online MFT Program Requirements

Requirements for COAMFTE-accredited online MFT programs typically include a bachelor’s degree, followed by a master’s degree in psychology, marriage and family therapy, or a related mental health field. These programs are supervised by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE). Some institutions also offer online program options for added flexibility.

After completing your master’s degree, you will need to fulfill supervised field experience hours, which can vary by state. Be sure to check your state’s specific requirements for licensing exams. The Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards (AMFTRB) may also require passing the MFT National Examination.

MFT Licensure Requirements

Obtaining licensure as an MFT typically involves reviewing your academic education, completing supervised clinical experience hours, and passing the MFT National Examination. Licensing requirements can vary by state, but most states require at least a master’s degree. It’s important to research and understand your state’s specific requirements for MFT licensing.

Common Courses in an Online MFT Program

COAMFTE-accredited online MFT programs cover a range of essential courses to equip you with the necessary skills for family therapy. Typical courses may include treatment planning and traditional family therapy, recovery-oriented care and postmodern family therapy, and family therapy with children.

Online MFT Program Accreditation

Choosing an institution with proper accreditation is critical when evaluating online MFT programs. Accreditation ensures that the program meets rigorous academic standards and provides a quality education. COAMFTE’s accreditation is a trusted indicator of program integrity and expertise in the field of MFT.

How Long Does It Take to Complete an Online MFT Program?

The duration of a COAMFTE-accredited online MFT degree program can vary depending on the institution, your level of dedication, and any specializations you pursue. Online programs often offer flexible timelines, allowing you to complete the program in as little as 21 months. It’s important to consider your personal circumstances and goals when determining the ideal timeline for completing your degree.

Set Your Future Up With a COAMFTE Accredited MFT Program

Pursuing a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) is a significant step towards a rewarding counseling career. Opting for an online MFT program adds flexibility to your education. However, it’s crucial to choose a COAMFTE-accredited program for quality assurance. 

By selecting an accredited program, you not only enhance your credibility as a therapist but also show commitment to your clients and future career. Take the opportunity to apply for an online COAMFTE accredited MFT program today and embark on your journey to becoming a competent and respected marriage and family therapist.

COAMFTE Online MFT Program FAQ

Choosing the right Master of Family Therapy program involves understanding various aspects of accreditation and program format. Below are some frequently asked questions about COAMFTE-accredited online MFT programs:

Is a COAMFTE Online Program Different Than a Regular MFT Program?

  • Answer: COAMFTE online programs offer the same rigorous curriculum and meet the same accreditation standards as traditional on-campus programs. The primary difference is the mode of delivery, with online programs providing more flexibility to accommodate students’ schedules and geographic limitations.

How Do I Know if an Online MFT Program is COAMFTE Accredited?

  • Answer: To verify the accreditation of an online MFT program, you can visit the COAMFTE website and check their directory of accredited programs. Additionally, program websites often display accreditation information prominently, or you can contact the program directly for verification.

What’s the Difference Between COAMFTE and CACREP?

  • Answer: COAMFTE (Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education) specifically accredits marriage and family therapy programs, while CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs) accredits a broader range of counseling programs, including school counseling and clinical mental health counseling. Each has its own standards and focus, reflecting the specific professional practices they certify.

Learn More: CACREP Accredited Online Master’s of Counseling Programs

Why Attend a COAMFTE Accredited Program?

  • Answer: Attending a COAMFTE-accredited program ensures that the education you receive meets rigorous national standards for marriage and family therapy education. This accreditation is often required for licensure and helps ensure that graduates are well-prepared for professional practice, including eligibility for licensure examinations and recognition by state licensing boards.
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