About MSW Degrees
Our Purpose
At MSWDegrees.org, we are committed to publishing accurate, insightful information about the educational, licensing, and career paths related to the social work profession. We provide valuable industry-informed articles to help those already in social work or those who want to enter social work make decisions about prospective investments in their careers and educational backgrounds.
Who We Are
The team behind MSWDegrees.org includes individuals with roles in editing and writing, data analysis, and web development. We’re also grateful for the contributions of our MSW and social work subject matter experts, who have provided invaluable advice, industry knowledge, and suggestions to make our site as helpful as possible to our readership.
Emily Courtney, Content Editor
Emily Courtney is the lead editor for MSWDegrees.org. She has been writing and editing professionally since 2003, with a focus on health, wellness, education, and career topics. Emily is dedicated to creating informative, actionable content and resources on social work education and careers.
Kayla Hines, Contributing Expert
Kayla Hines is a second-year MSW student at the University of Houston—she is on a clinical track and hopes to get her LCSW. She recently finished her internship as a wellness counselor intern at Memorial High School through Communities in Schools Houston. Before pursuing her master’s, Kayla worked as a resident advocate at a family abuse center, where she conducted assessments and provided referrals on a crisis hotline for victims of domestic violence. She also worked at a 24-hour shelter to provide residents with assistance in areas such as crisis intervention, meal preparation, and intake.
Laura Vanderhill, Contributing Expert
Laura Vanderhill, LSW, M.H.A., is a licensed social worker and professional gerontologist with 15 years of clinical and community-based experience. Early in her career she worked at Cooperative Elder Services, Inc., providing direct client care, clinical assessments and supervision, program development, and community outreach. She then served as the Associate Director of Community Services at Springwell, Inc., where she supervised several volunteer-based programs, managed federal grants, and conducted a community needs assessment. Currently, Vanderhill is the Clinical QA Specialist at Carescout, which helps families navigate long-term care options and provides clinical assessments and caregiver support, among other services. She is also an Adjunct Instructor and guest lecturer at Regis College in Weston, MA.